lundi 6 décembre 2010

Saturday comes, Sunday comes, we go.

LA RAISON:  I should be doing homework right now. my mind just isn't in a homework place.Somewhere else. Probably. One day I should ask myself why I always wrote articles when I have to work...

L'EXPLIQUATION: Anne-Noelle helped me tonight to fight (against a French singer that I don't like hihihihi), She send me the link of a nice song of the Hundred in the Hand and then I remembered this girl in Tivoli Friday night.
This girl makes me realized i was being ridiculous for letting myself forget that life is whatever you want it to be.
This previous night which has ended in Tivoli was Lourdes Birthday party, I danced, I sang, I laughed, I smiled and loved every moment. Happy Birthday to Lou again. 


 LA CONCLUSION:  Les accès de folie, les instants de paranoïa aiguë, le besoin de solitude et d’alcool, les contradictions, les blagues nulles, et les heures d’euphorie intense sont inhérents à l’espèce humaine. Alors comment savoir si on n’a pas une araignée au plafond ? Oh I stopped writing in English, sorry dear english reader :) 

LE MOT DE LA FIN: Ça va vous sinon ? 

Enfin bref, For those who I have to write to, I mean in the real life, the next step for me is to buy a stamp.

To be continued ...

2 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. no matter what
    no matter when
    no matter why
    no matter how
    T'es en plein dans le milieu de tout CHOU
    Un lien entre 2 matrix ça s'explique pas ça se vit !!!!! ♥
